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Wednesday 30 August 2017

A Basic Dip

A dip often jazzes up some simple snacks, and can get you a lot of appreciation for very little effort! There are many variations to making dips, and really, your imagination is the limit. Here, I have included the recipe for a very basic and yummy dip, that goes well with French fries, fish fry, chips etc.

Hung curd - 1/2 - 1 cup (You will need 2-3 cups of curd to start out with)
Capsicum - Approximately 1 teaspoon, very finely chopped
Cucumber - Approximately 1 teaspoon, very finely chopped (Make sure you remove the seeds before chopping, as these can make the dip watery.)
Salt - to taste
Pepper - to taste
A clean muslin cloth to hang the curd!


  1. Tie up the curd in the muslin cloth and leave for a few hours so that the excess water is drained out. I usually hang it from the tap in my kitchen sink. (Do make sure you are not using the sink then!) 
  2. You will be left with a nice snowy, creamy mass of thick curd, perfect for making a dip!
  3. Whisk it well.
  4. Add the capsicum, cucumber, salt and pepper.
  5. Mix well and serve.