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Showing posts with label Rasam Varieties. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rasam Varieties. Show all posts

Saturday 16 September 2017

Spicy Tomato Rasam / Chaaru

Spicy Tomato Rasam / Chaaru

In winter, most of the time we try to have this Spicy tomato rasam in our meal. Flavour of ripe tomatoes with the mix of spices gives us a special treat to the throat and makes us stay away from unnecessary cold.
During my childhood, no meal was complete without rasam in the menu.

Cooked Toor Dal - 4 tbsp.
Tamarind Juice - 1/2 Cup.
Turmeric Powder - 1/4 tsp.
Asafoetida - 1 tsp ( for excellent flavour).
Salt - 1 tbsp.( Add to your taste, i generally add little less in my dishes.)
Sugar - 1 pinch.
Sambar Powder - 1.5 tbsp
(I have a luxury of getting this sambar powder from my mom from India).
Good Ripe Tomatoes - 2 medium sized.
Coriander Leaves - Little to spread it on top of rasam.

For grinding :
Black Pepper Seeds - 1.5 tbsp.
Jeera - 2 tbsp.
Coriander Seeds - 1 tbsp.
Red Chilly - 1 Medium size.

For Tadka :
Mustard Seeds - 1 tbsp
Jeera - 1 tsp
Asafoetida - Little
Curry Leaves - 5 or 6.
Red Chilly - 1.

Method :
1. Cook the toor dal, mash it and keep it separately.
2. On a thick bottomed vessel, add the tamarind juice extract without any dust or pieces.
3. Add turmeric powder, asafoetida, sambar powder, salt, sugar to the juice.
4. Add some water to this mixture and cover it.
5. Let it boil for sometime till the rawness of tamarind goes away.
6. Add the cut tomatoes into the mixute and also the add the grinded powder.
7. Let it cook on a medium flame for five minutes.
7. Add the cooked dal water into the rasam mixture.
8. Close the lid and reduce the flame greatly so that a layer of foam forms at the top layer of the rasam.
9. Switch it off and add the tadka to the rasam mixture.
10. Finally add the crushed coriander leaves into the rasam.

It can be given in a small glass as an appetizer in get-togethers, parties.

My Mom always says that the rasam has to be taken out of the stove after a complete layer of foam is formed. It tastes great with that and I experienced that personally.

Monday 11 September 2017

Simple Rasam / Gottu Rasam - With No Dal / Paruppu

Simple Rasam / Gottu Rasam - With No Dal / Paruppu

Gottu Rasam is generally made without any dal and the process is quicker and simpler. Its spicy with a punch and could be given as a soup too..On any cold nights, this rasam would be perfect as it has a blend of all spices in it with the tangy tomato taste. I  and my husband love to have this rasam on a small ever silver tumbler just before meals. Its a heavenly food for the kids especially when they have running nose, stuffy nose or severe cold.
Tomato - 1 Big cut into tiny cubes
Tamarind Juice - 1/2 cup
Water - As required
Salt- To Taste
Hing/Asafoetida - 1 Dash
Turmeric Powder - 1 tsp
Sambar Powder - 2 tsp
Sugar - 1 pinch
Special Rasam Powder - 2 tbsp ( Made instantly for this Gottu Rasam )
Coriander Leaves shredded - 2 tbsp

Instant Rasam Powder :
Black Pepper Seeds - 2 tsp
Methi seeds / Fenugreek Seeds / Vendhayam - 1/4 tsp
Jeera / Cumin Seeds - 2 tsp
Coriander Seeds - 2 tbsp

Tempering / Tadka :
Ghee - 2 tsp
Oil - 2 tsp
Hing / Asafoetida - 1 pinch
Mustard Seeds - 2 tsp
Jeera / Cumin Seeds - 2 tsp
Curry Leaves - 1 small stem
Dry Red Chillies - 1 or 2 small

Procedure :

  • Wash the tomato and cut it into tiny cubes and keep ready. Soak tamarind in warm water and make the tamarind juice ready.  Dry roast all the ingredients as mentioned above for making the instant rasam powder and grind them in a mixer grinder and keep the rasam powder ready.
  • In a vessel, add tamarind juice, hing / asafoetida, turmeric powder, sambar powder, freshly made rasam powder, salt, sugar and little water and allow them to boil for 3-4 minutes. Then add the tomato pieces into it and let them get cooked with all the spices in it. Close the lid when the rasam is boiling as the taste and flavour would be retained.
  • When you get a nice aroma, add desired amount of water into the vessel and reduce the flame to low.
  • Once you see a thin layer of foam on top of the rasam, switch off the flame. Meantime, do the tempering process and pour them over the rasam.
  • Garnish with fresh coriander leaves and enjoy a glass of this spicy, tangy hot rasam first.

Tips / Notes :
I don't add garlic to this Gottu Rasam as it might change the taste of the rasam. You can add if you like the taste of garlic in it.