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Wednesday 30 August 2017

HOW TO MAKE Sabudana Kheer


This one is not from my Mom's kitchen. I don't think she has ever made sabudana kheer ;) That's where my Mom-in-law steps in. Teaching me recipes that are yet to be cooked in my Mom's kitchen!
This quantity makes about one good-sized bowl of kheer. And is polished off in minutes by an adoring son, 'coz it is made how his Mom makes it!!

Sabudana - about a fistful
Milk - 1/2 litre
Sugar - to taste (about 6-8 tablespoons)
Green elaichi - 1, lightly pounded
Ghee - 1-2 tablespoons


  1. Wash and soak the sabudana in water for about 10-15 minutes so that it fluffs up.
  2. Boil the milk with the elaichi.
  3. Lightly squeeze out the excess water from the sabudana, and in a heavy bottomed pan, saute it in ghee for a few seconds.
  4. Add the boiling milk. 
  5. Cook on low flame, stirring in between to ensure that the milk is not stuck to the bottom of the pan.
  6. After a while, the sabudana will look clear and glassy, indicating that it is cooked.
  7. Continue cooking till the kheer reaches the desired consistency.
  8. Serve hot.

HOW TO MAKE Tomato Chutney

A perfect accompaniment to a typical Bengali lunch. Also, a quick and yummy sweet dish, especially if guests are practically knocking on the door and you have forgotten to make one. Or, like in my case, if there is a husband with a sweet tooth and always rummaging through the fridge for something sweet!

Tomatoes - 2 small ones
Oil - 1 tablespoon
Paanch phoron or mustard seeds
Dried red chillis - 2
Ginger - grated or finely chopped
Dates - 3-4 (deseeded), or aam shotto (aam papad) - a few chopped pieces, optional
Sugar to taste (I added about 6-7 tablespoon)
Juice of about one lemon


  1. Heat oil and add red chillis (broken in half), mustard seeds/ paanch phoron to temper the oil.
  2. Roughly chop the tomatoes.
  3. Add the chopped tomatoes, ginger, dates (if using) and water and bring to a boil.
  4. Add raisins, aam shotto (if using) and sugar. 
  5. Cook till done. It should have a nice chutney-like consistency, depending on how thick you like it.
  6. Let it cool down a little, and add some lemon juice for that extra tang.
  7. Best served chilled.