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Showing posts with label breakfast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label breakfast. Show all posts

Monday 12 February 2018

how t make Cheesy Breakfast Hash

Cheesy Breakfast Hash

Quorn, a readily available vegetarian meat substitute is now offering vegan versionsof their popular meat-free products!
Having tried my share of vegan meats, I can easily say Quorn’s measure up! The texture is spot on—not too chewy, not too tough, and so flavorful. It would please vegans and meat-eaters alike!
The only issue I had with these vegan meats was deciding how I wanted to cook them and what I wanted to enjoy them with.
I whipped up some gravy to pair with the Vegan Breaded Chicken/Chik’n Cutlets. I added a side of slaw I had leftover in my fridge, and it was a great, filling meal! These cutlets are the perfect main dish, especially for meat-eaters incorporating more vegan food into their diets.
Quorn Breaded Chicken Cutlets
Quorn Vegan Breaded Chicken/Chik’n Cutlets
And with Quorn’s Vegan Chicken/Chik’n Tenders, I put together a delicious, cheesy breakfast hash.
Your stomach is growling now, right? No problem! My tasty hash recipe is listed below.
Before you run out to get yourself these vegan meats, check out the store locator on the Quorn website. You can specify which products you want and locate the stores closest to you that are carrying them.
Breakfast Hash
Cheesy Breakfast Hash with Quorn’s Vegan Chicken/Chik’n Tenders
Cheesy Breakfast Hash
Serves about 2.
  • ½ of a 32 oz bag tater tots
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil
  • ½ bag of Quorn Vegan Chicken/Chik’n Tenders
  • 2 vegan sausage patties (I used Hilary’s Apple Maple Veggie Breakfast Sausage)
  • ½ cup broccoli florets
  • ¼ cup edamame
  • ¼ cup raw cashews
Cheese Sauce
  • 1 cup non-dairy milk
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • ¼ cup nutritional yeast
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • ½ teaspoon onion powder
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  1. Preheat oven and heat tater tots according to instructions on bag.
  2. While the tots are cooking, heat oil in a large skillet. Add Quorn Vegan Chicken/Chik’n Tenders, vegan sausage, broccoli, and edamame. Cook over medium heat.
  3. When heated through, add cashews and lower heat.
  4. Meanwhile, for the cheese sauce, combine milk and flour in a small saucepan over medium heat and mix thoroughly.
  5. When sauce begins to simmer, reduce heat to low and add nutritional yeast, garlic powder, onion powder, and salt.
  6. When tater tots are finished cooking, carefully add them and the cheese sauce to the skillet and mix well. Serve hot and enjoy!
also read : 

What Do Vegans Eat?

how to make Citrus Berry Cinnamon Rolls for vegans

Citrus Berry Cinnamon Rolls

Citrus Berry Cinnamon Rolls
Yields 9-12 rolls.
  • ¾ cup warm almond milk (coconut milk works too)
  • 1 package active dry yeast
  • ⅓ cup sugar
  • 3 tablespoons vegan butter, room temperature
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 “egg” replacer (Follow Your Heart VeganEgg or flax egg will both work well)
  • 3 ¼ cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon lemon zest
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon ground cardamom
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • Small amount of olive oil or coconut oil
  • Small amount of flour for dusting (after dough has risen)
  • 6 tablespoons vegan butter, softened
  • ⅔ cup brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • 1 tablespoon orange zest
  • 1 shot of bourbon
  • ¼ teaspoon sea salt
  • ½ to 1 cup roughly chopped mixed berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries)
  • 3 tablespoons vegan butter, melted
  • 2 tablespoons plain vegan cream cheese, room temperature
  • 1 ½ cups powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon orange juice
  1. For the Dough: Heat the almond milk on the stovetop to 120°F. Add milk and yeast and to small bowl and stir. Let stand for a few minutes.
  2. Place sugar, butter, salt, and egg replacer in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment. Mix until combined—lumpiness is ok. Pour in the milk/yeast mixture and stir for a few seconds.
  3. Add flour, lemon zest, and spices. Stir with the paddle attachment just until the mixture starts to stick to the paddle. Then replace the paddle with the dough hook. Continue mixing on low speed until the dough forms a ball in the center of the bowl. If the dough is still very sticky, you can add an additional ¼ cup of flour.
  4. Place the dough in an oiled bowl. Lightly oil the dough ball with olive oil or coconut oil and cover the bowl. Let sit for 2-4 hours—until it’s doubled in size.
  5. For the Filling: Meanwhile, prepare the filling. Stir together all ingredients except for the berries and set aside.
  6. After the dough has risen, dust the rolling surface with flour and roll the ball into a rectangle, about 10” x 14.” Spread the filling as evenly as possible over the rectangle. Make sure the filling reaches the sides so the outer rolls will have enough filling. Sprinkle berries over the filling. Roll the dough up tightly from the long end.
  7. Slice roll into equal sized rolls. If you want large rolls, you’ll cut about 10. Place the rolls into a greased 9” x 9” pan or 9 ½” round pie plate. Chill the rolls for at least 4-6 hours.
  8. Bring the rolls to room temperature by removing from fridge. Preheat oven to 350°F and bake for 25-30 minutes or until they’re golden brown.
  9. For the Icing: While the rolls are baking, cream the butter and cream cheese with a whisk in a small bowl—“creaming” is the whipping together of fats.
  10. Add powdered sugar in small amounts until the mixture is thick.
  11. Add the liquids and whisk mixture until the frosting streams slowly from the whisk.
  12. Drizzle over the rolls when they’re done baking. Serve and enjoy!
Recipe Tips/Variations
  • I like to cut the roll into roughly 13 rolls and place them in greased cupcake/muffin tins to bake.

also enjoy baking : 

Banana Bread

Cranberry Almond Biscotti

how to make Breakfast Tortilla Pesto Pizzas (vegan breakfast)

Breakfast Tortilla Pesto Pizzas

Breakfast Pesto Pizzas
Renee Press / Fire and Earth Kitchen
Fact—Pizza is one of those meals that’s so delicious it can be eaten at any time of the day, including breakfast time.
A big thanks to Renee Press, founder of Fire and Earth Kitchen, who clearly understands this very important fact. Forget your bowl of cereal tomorrow morning and give this recipe a try!
Breakfast Tortilla Pesto Pizzas
Yields 1 personal pizza.
  • 1 tortilla
  • ¼ cup nuts or seeds of choice—pumpkin, sunflower, walnuts, pine nuts, pecans, or almonds work well
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • ½ cup spinach—kale, Swiss chard, or arugula will also work
  • ¼ cup fresh basil—parsley, mint, or cilantro will also work
  • ⅓ cup water
Suggested Toppings
  • Thinly sliced potato
  • Mushrooms
  • Onions
  • Corn
  • Chives
  • Spinach
  • Greens
  • Peppers
  • Avocado
  • Broccoli
  1. Preheat oven or toaster oven to 400°F.
  2. For the Pesto: Combine all ingredients in a blender or food processor and process for 30 seconds—scraping down the sides a few times—until creamy.
  3. Pour onto tortilla and spread out evenly with a spoon. It should be a nice thick layer.
  4. For the Toppings: Prepare desired veggies as needed and arrange on top of the tortilla. Place tortilla on baking tray and bake for 10 minutes, or until it starts to brown and gets crispy and toppings are soft and cooked through.
  5. Remove from oven and top with avocado, salt, pepper, and any other favorite flavors. Cut into slices or roll up like a burrito. Enjoy!
Recipe Tips and Variations
  • If you’re using avocado slices, don’t add them to the pizza until it comes out of oven.
also try baking : 

Banana Bread

how to make Cranberry Almond Biscotti for vegans

Cranberry Almond Biscotti

Cranberry Almond Biscotti
Gena Hamshaw / The Full Helping

Here’s a little motivation to wake up and conquer the morning—Cranberry Almond Biscotti. Thanks to Gena Hamshaw at The Full Helping for providing this sweet, seasonal breakfast idea.
Cranberry Almond Biscotti
Yields 2-3 Dozen Biscotti
  • 2 cups unbleached, all-purpose flour—or a half and half combination of all-purpose and whole wheat pastry flour
  • ½ teaspoon baking powder
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • Zest and juice of 1 orange
  • ⅔-¾ cup sugar
  • ½ cup—8 tablespoons—vegan buttery spread
  • 3 tablespoons aquafaba or 1 flax egg
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon almond extract
  • ½ cup dried cranberries, roughly chopped—or a chopped, dried fruit of choice
  • ½ cup chopped, slivered, or sliced almonds—or a chopped nut of choice
  1. Sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt.
  2. If using a flax egg, whisk together 1 tablespoon ground flax meal and 3 tablespoons warm water and allow the mixture to thicken before using.
  3. In an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat together the orange zest, sugar, and buttery spread on medium speed, until the mixture is light and fluffy. Add the aquafaba or flax egg and the two extracts. Beat for one more minute.
  4. Turn the speed of the mixer to low, then add half of the flour mixture. When the flour is fully incorporated, add the orange juice to the mixer and beat until it’s incorporated. Add the rest of the flour mixture, the cranberries, and the almonds. Beat until the dough is evenly mixed and forming large clumps. Cover and refrigerate the dough for at least 30 minutes (and up to 2 hours).
  5. Preheat the oven to 325 °F and line a baking sheet with parchment. Divide the dough into two evenly sized pieces and shape each of them into a log that’s about 8 inches long, 1 inch high, and 3 inches wide—space the logs a few inches apart on your baking sheet.
  6. Bake the logs for 30-35 minutes, or until golden and firm to the touch. Raise the oven heat to 350°F. Remove the logs from the oven and allow them to cool for 15 minutes. Use a serrated knife to cut the logs into slices that are about ½-¾ inch thick. Arrange the slices on your cookie sheet cut side up and transfer them back to the oven. Bake for 11-13 minutes, or until the biscotti are golden brown. Transfer them to a cooling rack and cool completely before serving.
also read : 

What Do Vegans Eat?

how to make gluten free Breakfast Hash for vegans

Breakfast Hash

I often refer to myself as the, “Everything-but-the-kitchen-sink” kind of cook. I look at what I have in the fridge, and see what I can literally throw together to make a delicious meal. For me, no dish illustrates this better than my vegan breakfast hash. I really think I’ve never had the exact same ingredients every time I’ve made this meal. The only ingredient that I always include is the pre-cooked polenta, which I buy at Safeway and has a long shelf life.
This is a hearty meal that can can be served at any time of day, and is easy to make for a group of people. The best part is that you don’t need exact measurements of anything and it’s a great way to use that produce in the fridge whose days are numbered.
  • Pre-cooked polenta
  • olive oil or another plant based oil
  • any variety of potato or sweet potato
  • your choice of greens (such as kale or spinach
  • canned beans
  • fresh (steamed) or frozen vegetables
  • salsa (optional)
  • avocado (optional)
  • vegan cheese (optional)
  • vegan meat (optional)
  • nutritional yeast (optional)
To prepare: Wash all of your produce. Skin and cube potatoes, chop veggies, cube polenta, de-spine greens and chop into strips. Open and rinse canned beans.
To cook: steam potatoes and fresh vegetables, if using, either with microwave steamer or in steamer basket over a pot of boiling water. Set aside.
Warm beans by either putting in microwave or heating on stove over low heat, stirring occasionally. Do the same with vegan meat, if using.
Put a dollop of olive oil on the bottom of a frying pan. Turn on to medium-low heat, and add polenta. Make sure the cubes are coated in oil, and cook until they start to turn golden, flipping occasionally. Add greens. Keep stirring and add more oil if needed. After greens start to shrink, add potatoes, then vegan meat and nutritional yeast (if using), beans and steamed vegetables. Continue to cook over medium-low heat until everything is warmed.
Put on a plate and serve. Feel free to top it with vegan cheese, salsa, avocado, vegan sour cream, or any of your other favorite vegan condiments. We even added tortilla chips here. Get creative, and enjoy!

also read : 

What Do Vegans Eat?

Friday 20 October 2017

how to make Adai

how to make Adai


Chana dal - ¾cupToor dal - ½ cupUrad dal - ½ cupMoong dal - ¼ cupRedchilles - 10 noGinger - 2" pieceIdly Rice - 2 cups Chopped Onions - ½ cup

Seasoning Ingredients:

Musatard seeds,Red chilles,Urad dal,Curry leaves,chopped Onions
Coriander - chopped ¼ cup

Soak the rice and all dals separately in two different vessels for 5 hours.Soak the redchillies also.

Grind redchilles,ginger along with dals and rice into a coarse paste.It should be thick than the dosa batter.Add sufficient water to change the consistency. Add Seasoning (mustard seeds,urad dal ,Red chilles,curry leaves,chopped onions) ,salt ,chopped coriander leaves stir well into the batter.Start making adais after 1 hr .Since the seasoning is soaked in the batter it gives more taste.

Heat non stick pan and add a little bit oil to the pan.

Pour a laddle full of batter and spread in a circular motion from inside to outside.Drizzle little bit oil on both sides and roast for golden brown color.

Serve hot with any chutney.

Sunday 17 September 2017

Vazhaipoo Adai / Banana Flower Lentils Crisp / Vaazhaipoo Adai

Vazhaipoo Adai / Banana Flower Lentils Crisp / Vaazhaipoo Adai


Banana Flower which is called as "Vaazhaipoo" in Tamil is a purple flower which blossoms at the edge of the banana bunch in its tree. Its widely used in many regional cuisines of India. Due to its dietary fiber and high protein value, including this healthy vegetable in our regular cooking is wiser. Also, its very good for stomach related problems. My mom often made this vegetable during our thanjavur childhood days, she generally made Vaazhaipoo Curry, Vaazhaipoo Paruppu Usili, Vadai, etc., Also I remember her Vaazhaithandu Mor Kootu which is one of my favourites. Though we dont get the Vaazhai Thandu ( Banana Stem ) here, I am lucky to see some fresh Banana Flowers atleast in a nearby China Market. Though I make many versions of food items using this great flowery vegetable, this time I made a protein rich Adai ( Lentils Dosa ) and its so... yummy and healthy. Try this out during tiffin time with a side of fresh curd and a spicy pickle. A very healthy tiffin item for all ages...

Cleaning the Banana flower seems to be a little time consuming job initially. Once you know the technique of it, its a matter of few minutes.
  • Rub your hands with little oil while doing this job as your hands might turn sticky and black during this process.
  • Open the purple petals one by one and take out the yellow colour florets carefully.
  • Remove the two parts from every floret carefully.
  • In the picture I added, I showed the two parts that are to be taken out from each floret. One part looks like a plastic ear phone and the other part is a thick long stem with a thick dot on its top.
  • Chop the cleaned florets under each petal and immediately put them in a diluted buttermilk in a vessel. This is mainly to prevent colour changing.
  • Follow the same process for all the petals till you notice a small cone shaped yellow tender bud. As this tender yellow cone is also highly nutritious, chop them too finely and add it to the vessel. Keep it ready.


Toor Dal / Thuvaram Paruppu / Kandhi pappu  - 1 Cup
Channa Dal / Kadalai Paruppu / Senaga pappu - 3/4 Cup
Moong Dal / Payatham Paruppu / Pesara Pappu - 1/4 Cup
Rice / Idly Rice / Par Boiled Rice - 1/2 Cup
Dry Red Chillies - 4 or 5
Hing / Asafoetida - 1 Dash
Salt - As required
Curry Leaves - 1 Stem
Chopped banana flower - 2 to 3 cups.
Oil - For making the Adais / Crisps.

  • Soak all the dals and rice in one vessel for nearly 2 hours.
  • Grind them coarsely in a mixer grinder along with dry red chillies.
  • To the mix, add required amount of salt, hing, curry leaves.
  • Drain the chopped banana flower florets from the diluted buttermilk vessel and add them to the Adai batter.
  • Just grind it for another few seconds with these additional ingredients. Now the Adai batter is ready to make. Make sure that the batter is neither too thick nor too watery.
  • Heat the griddle or frying pan  make the surface smooth and ready for making adais.
  • Pour one full ladle of the adai batter and spread them uniformly and make a thin circle. Pour oil along the edges and allow them to cook on both sides.
  • Flip to the other side and take out the adai from the tawa after both sides are completely cooked and crispy.
  • Serve with a cup of fresh curd and a spicy pickle or chutney.

Thursday 14 September 2017

Ragi Puttu - Healthy Breakfast Option

Ragi Puttu - Healthy Breakfast Option

On "Thai Poosam" day morning, I wanted to make some good healthy Prasadam and offer to Lord Muruga. ( so that we can also enjoy without guilt!!!) Ragi puttu flashed in my mind and as usual I was trying to get away from that idea due to my fear of ruining the puttu. My mom made a delicious Ragi Puttu last summer when we visited. Having that in mind, I did not even try to attempt before. But on "Thai Poosam", I decided to try my level best. I followed the detailed instructions of my mom and attempted at last and it was indeed a great success for me.!!  The method is not that complicated as I thought. Its a healthy breakfast for all ages and for kids, with few drops of hot melted ghee, its heavenly...My Dear bloggers, try this out and make a new addition in your Breakfast list.
Raagi Flour -  3 cups
Fresh Coconut flakes - 1 cup
Powdered Sugar - 1 cup
Melted Ghee - 2 tbsp
Cardamom Powder - 3 tsp
Cashew Nuts - 1 Handful roasted in ghee
Salt - 2 pinch
Water - Enough to make the Puttu Dough.

Take 3 cups of Raagi Flour in a bowl and add few teaspoons of water gradually and make the Puttu Maavu / Dough. The consistency of the Puttu Maavu should not be too thick or watery. If you make a ball out of the Maavu in your hand, you should be able to do it and if you slightly press the ball, it should break totally. As this is an important step, care should be taken while adding the water. Rest of the process is very simple.

After you make the Maavu satisfactorily, place it on a thin clean cloth and steam cook the Raagi Maavu for nearly 8-10 minutes. Open the steamed Puttu Maavu and spread it on a clean dry bowl. Break down all the lumps and make it powdery.

Let it cools down for 2-3 minutes. Then add elachi/cardamom powder, ghee, powdered sugar, ghee roasted cashew nuts and mix them well. Finally add the fresh coconut flakes after it cools down considerably and mix them well again. Healthy Raagi Puttu is ready with an excellent flavour and delicious taste and ready for Neivedhyam.
Tips / Variations
While making the Puttu Maavu, instead of adding water at one shot, add teaspoons of water slowly and make the Puttu maavu.
Try to add the coconut flakes at the end. Before adding the coconut flakes, check to see whether they are fresh. Otherwise, the entire Puttu would be spoiled.
In addition to roasted cashew nuts, you can even add finely shredded almonds, pistachios in the puttu to make it more richer.

Wednesday 13 September 2017

Veg Semiya Upma

Veg Semiya Upma

Vegetable Semiya Upma is liked by my both kids and they call it as "Noodles Uppuma".  If you add some good , colourful veggies to this upma, it will be delicious and yummy with a nice chutney of your choice.

Vermicelli Semiya - 2 Cups
Olive Oil - 4 tbsp.
Salt - To Taste
Asafoetida - 1/2 tsp
Mustard Seeds - 1 tbsp
Jeera - 1 tbsp
Urad Dal ( Ullutham Paruppu ) - 2 tsp
Channa Dal ( Kadalai Paruppu / Senagalu ) - 2 tsp
Curry leaves - 1 Stem ( if you have )
Red Chilly Dry - 1
Carrot - 1/2 Carrot nicely cut into fine small pieces / cubes.
Potato - 1 small one cut into fine small cubes.
Beans - 5 medium size beans nicely cut into small pieces.
Peas - 1 handful
Onion - 1 medium size nicely cut into small pieces.
Tomato - 1 ripe medium size cut into small cubes.
Green Chillies - 2 Big Ones or 3 Medium Ones ( Depending upon your spicy taste).
Ghee - 1 tsp ( just to add some rich flavour at the end )
Sugar - 1 small pinch.
  1. First, wash the vegetables and cut it into desired shapes. Keep things ready for making the Upma.
  2. On the kadai , add Olive oil first. When its heated, add mustard seeds, jeera, asafoetida, urad dal ( Ullutham Paruppu ), channa dal ( kadalai Paruppu/senaga pappu) , red chilly, curry leaves, hing ( asafoetida) one by one.
  3. After tempering is done, add the cut onions into the mixture. Slightly fry the onions with a pinch of salt to quicken the process.
  4. Then, add the green chillies and tomato pieces into the kadai. Let the mixture cooks on a medium flame till the tomato pieces fully cooked and mashed.
  5. Add all the cut vegetables into the kadai. Fry all the ingredients on medium heat till the vegetables get slowly fried, cooked and reduce little bit in its quantity.
  6. Don't add any water while frying the vegetables. Cover the lid and let it cook slowly.
  7. After 4-5 minutes, add 2 cups of water into the kadai.
  8. Add salt to taste and a pinch of sugar into the kadai and close it. Let the vegetables get cooked and when the water boils, add the roasted vermicelli into the boiling water slowly.
  9. Keep the heat on low flame while adding the vermicelli / semiya to the boiling water.
  10. Mix everything in the kadai thoroughly and close the lid for the semiya to cook.
  11. After 3-4 minutes, open the kadai and stir it nicely and check if the vermicelli / semiya is cooked uniformly.
  12. Stir it for 2 more minutes and switch off the heat. Let it cools down for couple of minutes and it will be ready to serve.
Don't add more water while making this upma. It will make the upma very pasty and spoil it.
Allow the tomatoes to get cooked and mashed fully so that the tangyness of the tomatoes spread equally in the upma.

You can add any other vegetables you like into this upma. ( Only the ones which we use for Veg Biryani).
You can even substitute peas with groundnuts in this upma. ( Depends on availability and your taste ).

Drumstick Leaves Dal Dosa / Murungai Keerai Adai

Drumstick Leaves Dal Dosa / Murungai Keerai Adai

Adai , a lentil based dosa is loaded with lots of protein, iron and dietary fiber and good amino acids. In addition, if drumstick leaves are added to the dal mixture, it contributes more of its good nutrition to the dosa and makes it a complete healthy meal. Its an excellent meal for the kids with a combination of fresh curd. They will love it like that.
Boiled Rice / Idly Rice - 1 Cup
Channa Dal / Kadalai Paruppu / Senaga Pappu - 1/2 cup
Thoor Dal / Thuvaram Paruppu / Kandhi Pappu - 1/4 cup
Moong Dal / Payatham Paruppu / Pesara Pappu - 1/4 cup
Urad Dal / Ulutham paruppu  / Mina Pappu - 1/4 cup
Ginger - 1 small cube
Jeera - 1 tsp
Dry Red Chillies - 3 or 4 medium size
Asafoetida / Hing - 1 tsp
Salt - 1.5 tbsp ( According to your taste)
Olive Oil - For frying the Dosa
Drumstick Leaves - 1 cup

  1. Wash all the dals, rice and soak it in cold water for 2-3 hours. Then, drain the water and grind it coarsely ( not like a paste) along with dry red chillies, ginger piece, jeera seeds, asafoetida. Keep it aside.
  2. Meantime, take out the drumstick leaves carefully from its stem, wash the leaves and slightly cut those into pieces.
  3. Add the cut drumstick leaves into the dal mixture. Add 1.5 tbsp of salt to the adai mixture.
  4. On medium heat, keep the dosa frying pan and put 1 tsp of oil. After its heated uniformly on all sides, spread the adai batter into a big round shaped adai.
  5. Put little oil on the edges of the adai. When its cooked and fried to your satisfaction, flip it to the other side.
  6. When its cooked and fried on both sides completely, take it out of the pan.
  7. Continue the process for the rest of the batter and serve the adais with aviyal, fresh curd, pickle of your choice.
You can add finely cut onions into the adai mixture if you like the taste of  adai  with onions in it.
You can add more salt or red chilly based on your taste buds.

Before the frying pan gets heated uniformly, if you spread your adai on the pan, it will totally spoil the crispyness, taste of the adai. Wait till it gets heated and then spread the batter slowly on a very low flame. After you spread the adai, increase the flame to medium.
Also, you should flip it onto the next side only if the first side is done completely. Otherwise, you will end up having a soggy adai.

Monday 11 September 2017

Vendhaya dosai / Menthilu Dosai / Fenugreek Seeds Dosai

Vendhaya dosai / Menthilu Dosai / Fenugreek Seeds Dosai

Vendhayam / Fenugreek / Menthilu has more medicinal effects and is used for reducing blood sugar level and blood pressure. Its very good for digestion,constipation, asthma ,head colds, etc., Its benefits are innumerable. Buttermilk with some fenugreek powder cools the body, regulates the digestion and is a perfect treat in Summer. Introducing this wonderful medicinal seed in our regular tiffin, especially to dosai is an intelligent invention by our elders. Due to this fenugreek seeds, we get crispy,crunchy dosa in golden colour. During our childhood, we used more of this dosa at home with a fresh coconut chutney and milagaipodi.
Par Boiled Rice or Idly Rice - 3 Cups
Urad Dal / Ulutham Paruppu / Minna Pappu - 1.25 Cup
Vendhayam / Fenugreek Seeds / menthilu - 3 tbsp
Salt - To taste
Olive Oil - Enough for frying the dosas.
  1. Wash the rice and dal thoroughly and soak them in water together in the same vessel. Add the fenugreek seeds also along with that and soak it for 4-5 hours.
  2. After that, grind them in a wet grinder nicely by adding water little by little. Due to fenugreek, the batter becomes so fluffy and the quantity may be more. So, carefully grind them and store the batter in a big vessel. Add required amount of salt to the batter.
  3. It might take few hours for fermentation. After its done, mix the batter and take out a portion from the big vessel.
  4. To that portion, add little water and make the batter ready for making dosas.
  5. On a thick dosa pan, add little oil and heat it till the kadai gets heated uniformly.
  6. After that, pour a big spoonful of the batter in the center and form a big round by spreading them uniformly.
  7. Add drops of oil on the sides of the dosa. Fry them on both sides till the dosa gets into golden colour.
  8. Take out the crispy, crunchy golden dosa and serve this hot with a spicy chutney.
  9. Continue the process for making the rest of the dosas.
  10. Store the remaining batter immediately in the fridge forlater use and also to preserve its freshness.
Use a cut onion piece for cleaning the dosa pan everytime before pouring the dosa batter. This makes it easier to flip the dosas onto the other sides and dosa does not stick to the pan.
Store the dosa batter immediately into the fridge after taking some portions of the batter. Don't keep the main batter vessel next to the stove while making the dosas. This might add some sourness to the batter.