Tuesday 5 September 2017

Broken Wheat Rava Kesari \ Godhuma Rava Kesari

Rava Kesari is the most common sweet as we all know. I just wanted to try out the same with the broken wheat rava. Its almost similar to the Sathyanarayana Swami pooja Prasadam. I followed the same method of preparing Kesari except that I cooked the broken wheat initially before mixing it with the Sugar Syrup. As broken wheat is highly nutritious, this Kesari is definitely a very healthy sweet for everyone. Though it takes little extra time than the normal Kesari, its worth for its benefits.
Broken wheat / Dalia - 1 Cup
Sugar - 1 Cup
Kesari Powder / Food Colour Powder - 1 pinch
Elachi / Cardamom Seeds / Elakai - 4 or 5
Pista Seeds - 5 or 6 crushed.
Dry Grapes / Raisins - 1 tbsp
Cashew Nuts - 2 tbsp
Ghee - 3 tbsp
  • Roast the Broken Wheat Rava with little ghee for couple of minutes and cook it with some water.
  • Mean time, in a thick vessel, make a sugar syrup by adding Sugar and little water. Add the Kesar food colour, cardamom powder into the Syrup. Keep it ready.
  • When the Broken wheat is fully cooked, then slowly add the Sugar Syrup into the kadai. Keep stirring the Kesari constantly in order to avoid any lumps.
  • Add the crushed pista powder and 1 tbsp of ghee into the Kesari. Mix them well.
  • Do the cooking on a medium flame. Roast the Cashew nuts and raisins with little bit of ghee and add them into the Kesari.
  • Add the remaining ghee into the Kesari and mix it upside down uniformly.
  • Now the Kesari is ready for Neivadhyam.
Tips / Variations
You can add more sugar and ghee according to your taste. If its for a party or festival, you can generously add more ghee to the Kesari to make it richer. If you have some saffron at home, you can add 1/2 tsp of Saffron flowers into the Kesari. This would give us a nice aroma and the taste of the Kesari would be unique.