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Request A Recipe.....

Most of the time, I just blog on whatever is cooking in my house or whatever catches my fancy. It could be a new cookbook, a vegetable from the farmer's market, a grilled item, a style of cooking or something I ate and just want to replicate. If I like something at someone's house, I always ask for the recipe and most of them part with their trade secrets willingly (he he some unwillingly:)). So I have a collection of my favourite recipes now. Also, each time someone asks a question, I learn something new. So I am welcome to suggestions to make the blog more interactive than a monologue on my part.

If you are looking for a recipe for a favorite dish, mail me a request, or respond as a comment to this post. Time permitting and if I am familiar with the dish/recipe, I will definitely try to post the recipe for you. Please be warned though, that I may not be able to respond to your request right away.