contact me

Contact Me

One of my favorite things about having this website is hearing from all of you. Your personal stories and your adventures in the kitchen is heartwarming and endearing. It makes me feel less like I am talking into the Grand Canyon and that there are other crazy foodies like me out there who measure the weight of certain memories in food. I read every single email and appreciate the time taken to write every single word.

I’m unable to spend the time answering every emails in lots of detail. I would love to sit and correspond with each of you and become pals, but that would leave zero time in my day to be with my young kids, cook, practice my hard-won career skill and of course, take photos and write contributions for this site whenever possible.

So if I do not respond to your email immediately, please understand. And please know that the I do appreciate any response from you.

Warm Regards
Nirmalla Pappu